
The mayor of Hangzhou investigated integrated water supply project of Thousand-island Lake

发布于 2017-09-15 08:46:07      来源:中国网      作者:张云松 陈萍萍      责任编辑:张云松

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,杭州市长徐立毅调研视察千岛湖配供水一体化工程。徐立毅一行实地查勘了闲林水厂、闲林水库、配水工程桐村支洞、配水井等工程施工现场。

  Recently , the mayor of Hangzhou Xu Liyi investigated and inspected integrated water supply project of Thousand-island Lake. Xu Liyi and his team have made a survey of the construction sites such as Xianlin Water Plant, Xianlin Reservoir, the branch of water distribution project in Tong Village and water distribution well in the field.



  The project schedule of integrated water supply project of Thousand-island Lake gradually accelerated, the management of construction has been standardized and orderly, the quality and safety were controlled in place and the project went smoothly since its start. And every aspect has laid a good foundation.



  It is learned that the project is a vital water conservancy project for Hangzhou to promote "Five water Cohabitation " deeply. It is a major urban infrastructure that benefits widely all over Hangzhou and it is also an important livelihood project that the masses of the people are looking forward to. The water quality of Thousand-island Lake is good and the water flow is sufficient and stable. And it is one of the indispensable drinking water sources in Hangzhou. The completion of investigated integrated water supply project of Thousand-island Lake has a great significance for improving urban quality and promoting long-term development.

  (中国网作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 陈萍萍)

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