淳安千年品牌“复活” 故宫博物院抢着下订单

Chunan Millennium brand "revives", Imperial Palace Museum is rushing to place orders

发布于 2017-10-30 15:08:17      来源:中国网      作者::张渊 张云松 翻译:杜依依      责任编辑:张云松

  中国网浪潮资讯  北京时间10月27日,“严家大方”复业暨首届千岛湖金紫尖紫菊品鉴会在浙江淳安王阜乡开幕,远在北京的故宫博物院得知严家大方复业的消息后,立马下了200斤茶叶的订单。

Beijing time on October 27th, "The Yans Dangfang Tea" Resumption Ceremony and the first Qiandao Lake Notoseris psilolepis Shih of Zijinjian Tasting opened in Wang Fu village, Chun’an, Zhejiang. When knew the news that The Yans Dangfang Tea reopened, The Imperial Palace Museum in Beijing immediately placed an order of 200 pounds tea.



It is understood that The Yans Dangfang Tea has a long history, which originated in the Later Liang Dynasty - fifth year of Qianhua (AD 915 years), experiencing the Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. It came down in one continuous line and was everlasting. The Yans Dangfang Tea Factory was established in the Republic of China. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, it was purchase and sale by The Yans Commune in 1956. In 1991, The Yans Dangfang Tea Factory was set up and closed in 1997.


On October 27, 2017, Chun’an Qiandao Lake The Yans Dangfang Tea Industry Co., Ltd. was established formally, which was led by the Hangzhou municipal agriculture and rural work office, supported by Wang Fu Village Party Committee and government. It mainly produces and sells tea, organizes tea culture and art exchange, and tea culture exhibition activities


At the scene of Wang Fu Village, in addition to "The Yans Dangfang Tea" Resumption Ceremony and the first Qiandao Lake Notoseris psilolepis Shih of Zijinjian Tasting was held. It is reported that the Qiandao Lake Notoseris psilolepis Shih of Zijinjian can also be made of Qiju cream. This kind of canned small paste is very popular this year. At present, the production enterprises have received 100 thousand bottles of orders, and there are many orders continue to “fly”.

  (作者:张渊  张云松  翻译:杜依依)

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