
More than 100 Mu of American crape myrtle flowers are competing in full bloom in Zhejiang Chun 'an

发布于 2017-09-14 11:19:34      来源:中国网      作者:张云松 陈萍萍      责任编辑:张云松

  中国网浪潮资讯 眼下千岛湖一片片、一团团、一簇簇,鲜红似火的紫薇花,在微风的轻拂下,显得分外动人,美不胜收。在淳开线梓桐支线2公里处的施家坪村毛演岭自然村“香林花雨”林业科技示范点,100多亩美国紫薇花正竞相怒放。

Now, fields and clusters of bright red crape myrtle flowers which like the fire are quite attractive and beautiful under the gentle breeze in Thousand Island Lake. In the "Xiang Lin Hua Yu" forestry science and technology demonstration of Maoyanling natural village of Shijiaping Village which is 2 km from Tongzi Branch of Chunkai Line, more than 100 mu of American crape myrtle flowers are competing in full bloom.

  (中国网作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 陈萍萍)

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