杭州推进智慧城市建设 年底实现公交WIFI全覆盖





  The second World Internet Conference is being held in town. Today, Hangzhou public transportation are more to this big "net" one step closer to--installed free WIFI in the vehicle.




  Recently, Hangzhou public transport group announced that, through the efforts of nearly 9 months, from now on, officially opened 195 lines a total of more than 3,000 vehicles in the downtown free Wi-Fi on buses. It is expected to achieve vehicle full coverage in the downtown by the end of this year.




  "At present there are a number of old cars are to be replaced, so these vehicles temporarily without WIFI system. End of the facelift is completed, it will give all the main city bus equipped with WIFI." Public transportation Group Deputy Weng Jun said.




  He explained that the Hangzhou public transport group fully installed in-vehicle Wi-Fi is responding by Hangzhou Municipal Government to promote "intelligent city" and "wisdom bus" construction initiative to enhance the quality of public transport services, for public transit passengers enjoy more leisure and quality.




  However, public WIFI as a public service, in order to protect the vast majority of Internet users, yet not provided bulk file on the Internet interactions and watch video online. If you want to see the video, it is necessary to switch from the external network to the intranet.


  以后,出门乘坐公交只要打开手机上上网,再长的路程也不会觉得无聊了。(作者:俞舒珺综合报道 陈雨薇/译)


  From now on, out on the bus just turn on the mobile phone Internet access. The long distance will not feel bored.

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