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The first pure agricultural waste power generation project in Zhejiang begins operating
     发布时间:2015-10-08 08:25:43    




  Straw fired power station is an agricultural waste comprehensive utilization power generation project. On Sept 30th evening, as bales of straw put into the incinerator, generators started operation, the program combined to the grid formally in Zhejiang Jiaxing. This is the first pure agricultural waste power generation project in Zhejiang.


  Jiaxing is a traditional agricultural area, the cultivated area has come to 3.18 million mu and produces about 1.56 million tons of crop straw every year. How to deal with so much crops straw have plagued local people many years. For catching the production season, many farmers directly burn outside in farmlands. This method produces a lot of exhaust gas and causes serious pollution to the environment.


  It’s known that last September, subordinate enterprise of Zhejiang Materials Industry Group Corporation started to build “agricultural waste comprehensive utilization power generation project” and invested 265 million Yuan for construct the main facilities such as at high temperature and pressure of agricultural wastes (straw) incineration boiler. With the straw burning power, we can make the “no smoke” farmland possible.


  After a year’s construction, boiler high temperature oven finished in mid-September. Within half a month, power plant completed a series of tests, on the eve of national day combined to the grid successfully. As the researchers explain, using the straw power generation can save about 100,000 tons of standard coal each year,reduce 250,000 tons of carbon dioxide and the ash also can be used as potassium fertilizer raw material.

  “嘉兴这个项目利用农作物秸秆发电,既减少污染又节约能源,对浙江省其他地区解决秸秆利用难题具有借鉴意义。”浙江省农业厅有关负责人表示。(作者俞舒珺综合报道/顾远 译)

  Officials in agriculture department of Zhejiang province says,” The project using crop straw in Jiaxing can not only reduce pollution but also save energy, has significance for other parts of Zhejiang Province to solve the straw utilization problems.”

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:赵皓月     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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