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上海开先河为滴滴专车发证 杭州或将借鉴
Shanghai first time certificates for Didi special cars Hangzhou may use their experience
     发布时间:2015-10-10 08:14:07    



  On Oct 8th ,the legitimacy of booking cars online in Shanghai has decided and Didi taxi became the first company having legal booking cars online platform. And now, Hangzhou which city has start the deepen reform on taxi industry will use the Shanghai’s special car management experience.
  As for taday’s permission, dean of NDRC city center traffic research institute, Zhang Guohua thinks, this activity is a historical breakthrough sharing economy innovation, as a government model of new technology, services, and enterprise cooperation regulation, it will have demonstration effects on secial car’s legality and company cooperation regulation all over the country.
  Didikuaidi say they are communicating the cooperation like "Shanghai mood" with local governments and traffic management departments in many places.
  Recently, Hamgzhou also starts some deepen reform in taxi industry. So what kind of change will Shanghai mode bring to Hangzhou?
  Deputy director of Hangzhou traffic department, Lu Xiande said the deepen reform of Hangzhou taxi had begun and the first stage was changing the traditional taxi industry when he was interviewed by Zhengjiang Online. He said " We plan to finish the taxi reform before the end of this year,stabilise the traditional market and then we will start thereform of booking taxi on line.”
  对于上海模式,陆献德表示,杭州可以借鉴上海模式中的一些经验,从而提前完善改革方案。(作者 赵皓月综合报道/顾远 译)
  Lu Xiande says,"Hangzhou can copy the Shanghai mode's experience so that can improve the revolution plan in advance."

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:赵皓月    | 责编:俞舒珺     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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