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浙江外资保持稳步增长 服务业最受外商青睐
Foreign investment in Zhejiang keeps growing rapidly
     发布时间:2015-10-10 09:01:49    




  In the former 8 months in this year, Zhejiang newly authorized 994 foreign-funded enterprises, total amount of investment is 22.51 billion dollars. Foreign capital in contracts is 15.9 billion dollars, actual foreign capital is 10.45 billion dollars, separately growing up to 18.5% and 1% on year-on-year basis. Under the background of growing speed of the whole nation’s foreign capital attracting slow down universally, Fortune Global 500 such as Lego and Ford invested in Zhejiang one after another, which become stabilizer for foreign capital keeping growing in Zhejiang.


  The person in charge of foreign capital management office in provincial commerce department said, in recent years, foreign capital entered Zhejiang has appeared tendency of obvious transformation, investment proportion of labor intensive industry is descending, the one of medical treatment and health industry, finance service industry, culture and entertainment industry has been gradually increasing.


  With constant advance of production factors’ price, Zhejiang is in the transformation period of foreign capital using, foreign-funded projects which invest less or have low additional value will transfer with gradient of international capital, to make development room for large-scale and high-level foreign- funded projects.


  Fast increasing of service industry make foreign capital have more chances to invest. It is learned that at present, service industry area and scale which foreign capital entered is expanding. Statistic shows that, in the former 8 months in this year, actual foreign capital in sanitation, finance and information service industry respectively increase up to 324%, 201% and 22%. Service industry gradually becomes the most popular investing area to foreign capital.

  截至今年8月底,浙江全省累计共批外商投资企业55121家,投资总额4961.2亿美元,合同外资2787.4亿美元,实际外资1521.4亿美元。2010年以来,浙江实际外资已经连续5年创历史新高,在全国占比不断提升。(作者 俞舒珺综合报道 /邹婧颖 译)

  Till this August, Zhejiang authorized 55121 foreign-funded enterprises, total amount of investment reached 496.12 billion dollars. Foreign capital in contracts is 278.74billion dollars, actual foreign capital is 152.14 billion dollars. From 2010, actual foreign capital in Zhejiang has created the highest in history for 5 years, whose proportion in China is continuously increasing.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:赵皓月     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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