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The account balance will determine the loan limit of Hangzhou provident fund next month!
     发布时间:2015-10-14 07:36:24    

  In April, the Provident Fund Centre at the provincial and municipal levels carried out the savings and loan tied mechanism. The loan amount determines the patterns, and the " determined according to the monthly deposit limit of housing accumulation Fund " was replaced by" determined according to the 15 times of the average monthly balance of nearly 12 months of housing accumulation Fund”.
  In short, people who plan to purchase a house after November try not to withdraw provident fund for guaranteeing the loan limit.
  Personal loan 500,000 requires accounts with average monthly balance at least 33,300.
  How can we understand the sentence, “The loanable amount is 15 times of the average monthly balance for the Provident Fund account.”
  For example, Mr. Zhang has continuously deposited housing fund for many years and plans to apply for provident fund loans in December 2015. His account balance of housing fund is 28,500 then and the monthly payment of housing fund is 830 yuan in nearly 12 months without extraction.
  So, the account balances from January 2015 to December respectively, 19,370, 20,200, 21,030 ... 28,500. And the account monthly average balance= (19,370+20,200...+28,500)/12=23,935. As a result, Mr. Zhang can have the final loan amount =23,935x15=359,025.
  It is important to note that results higher than 500,000 will be affirmed as 500,000; less than 150,000 yuan will be affirmed as 150,000; time for paying less than 12 months will be affirmed according to the actual number of months.
  Try not to withdraw provident fund
  If the balance is not sufficient.
  The provident fund loan limit was determined by the paid amount earlier. When month deposit is 148 (inclusive)-530 yuan, the maximum loan can be 150,000; when monthly deposit is 530 (inclusive)-1,274 yuan, the maximum loan can be 300,000 yuan; when monthly deposit higher than 1,274 (included), the maximum loan can be 500,000 yuan.
  Some industry officials have suggested that people should try not to withdraw provident fund if the balance is not sufficient to raise the loan amount. However, people who have plan for purchasing houses without sufficient funds but enough deposit amounts should apply for housing provident fund loans as soon as possible.
  (作者 赵皓月综合报道/吴东东译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:赵皓月 吴东东    | 责编:俞舒珺     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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