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浙江发布2015百强企业榜 民企强势登榜占八成
Zhejiang issues 2015 TOP 100 companies 80% of the list are private enterprises
     发布时间:2015-10-14 09:12:21    




  On 12th afternoon, the 2015 Zhejiang Business Leaders Forum, which is also the Zhejiang TOP 100 Companies List Conference, is hold in Hangzhou by Zhejiang enterprise conference, Zhejiang entrepreneur association, Zhejiang industry economy confederation. In this year’s list, Zhejiang private enterprises remain the strong trend, take up 80% places.


  Since 2003, Zhejiang has issued 13 Zhejiang annual TOP100 enterprises to public. This time, except for the former comprehensive TOP 100, manufacturing industry TOP100, service industry TOP100, it also issues the fastest growth TOP100 judged by the business revenue increase rate and leads the enterprises to be larger, stronger, and more perfect.


  It’s known that, the total operating income of 2015 Zhejiang TOP100 enterprises are 3,763,887,000,000 yuan with year-on-year growth of 8.03%. Among them, 7 enterprises’ operating income are more than 100,000,000,000 and 15 enterprises’ operating income are between 50,000,000,000 and 100,000,000,000. From the enterprises property to view, there are 21 state-owned enterprises and 79 private enterprises in the list. From main economy and performance indicator to view, the general pattern, private enterprises are the mainstay, doesn’t change.

  值得注意的是,在创新创业的大趋势下,浙江强企的研发步伐也逐步迈开。数据显示,浙江百强企业研发费用增长14%,平均研发费用投入达4.14亿元。企业拥有专利数增长21.29%,平均拥有专利数达378项。(作者:俞舒珺综合报道/ 顾远 译)

  It is worth noting that, Zhejiang strong enterprises’ R&D generally develops in the innovation and entrepreneurship trend. According to the data, the R&D cost of Zhejiang TOP100 enterprises increase 14%, the average R&D cost is 414,000,000 yuan, the number of patents possessed by enterprises increases 21.29% and average patents possessed by enterprises are 378.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:赵皓月     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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