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Does Mobile traffic consume faster without zero out?
     发布时间:2015-10-29 08:51:24    

Does Mobile traffic consume faster without zero out?

  Zhejiang Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision has conducted checks monitoring




  A lot of people are very concerned about their mobile traffic this month: the reason is that starting from October 1, the three major telecom operators launched a "traffic won’t zero out" policy. The end of October is coming, the remaining traffic balance would be transferred to the next month for the first time, many people find themselves in a tragedy- mobile traffic for this month will not be enough, not to mention the balance.


  China Broadcasting Network firstly raised the question on 26th with a report of Mobile traffic consumes faster without zero out, then all over the mainstream media started focusing and reporting. Consumer Protection Committee of Zhejiang Province has received complaints about mobile traffic for twenty or thirty times since this month and consumer protection committees in each district have also received a lot of cases.


  But whether it is in the detail lists or print lists, we cannot find where we consumed the traffic from records. Was it used for video or Wechat, or just be detained by mistake? The staff said that those records were unable to query for relating users’ privacy.


  In addition, the operator also said it is not they placed obstacles, "the calculation of traffic this month uses different system from the reservation of monthly balances to the next month, so there exists non affect. ”


  It is reported that, starting from the 27th until early November, Zhejiang Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision will spot check monitor mobile traffic during this period. If users who encounter problems of traffic disappeared, you can complain in time and administrative department also will be involved in the investigation the first time.


来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:赵皓月     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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