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Zhejiang Zhoushan Xihoumen cross-sea Bridge wins construction’s “Nobel”
     发布时间:2015-10-29 09:08:53    




  Recently, at the 2015 FIDIC annual meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Zhejiang Zhoushaan Xihoumen cross-sea Bridge won outstanding project award.


  It’s known that, FIDIC is an international famous consulting engineer organization. It’s built in 1913 and havs 106 members now. And the “FIDIC clauses” published by this organization is a widely adopted suggestion and rule on international construction projects. Because of its professional position on global consulting engineer industry, its award is called construction’s “Nobel”.


  Except for this time’s FIDIC outstanding project award, Xihoumen cross-sea Bridge also wins “Gustav Linda Selma Award” in 2010 by IBC with its excellent success in engineering structure, architectural aesthetics, and environmental harmony.


  It’s known that, Xihoumen cross-sea Bridge’s main bridge is the first split type steel box girder suspension bridge in the world, and mainly spans 1650m. It is the second in the world, first in China. From Dec 25th 2009, the opening traffic of Zhoushan cross-sea bridge (eg. Zhoushan tied island project), the bridge has worked for nearly 6 years.


  The chief engineer of transport department Zhou Haitao says, Zihoumen Cross-sea Bridge is the landmark construction of our country’s large cross bridge building. Its success improves the our country’s large cross suspension bridge building technology and makes great contributes on bridge construction industry in China.

  今年的菲迪克杰出项目奖一共有5个,中国获奖的项目,除了西堠门大桥外,还有渝利铁路(重庆—利川)项目。(作者:俞舒珺综合报道/ 顾远译)

  There are 5 FIDIC outstanding project awards in this year. Except for Ximenhou cross-sea bridge, Chongqin-Lichuan railway in China also wins this award.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:赵皓月     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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