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胡润2015套现富豪榜发布 4位浙商上榜
2015 Hurun cash rich list 4 on the list of 30 billionaires were Zhejiang 86,000,000,000
     发布时间:2015-11-06 13:27:32    



Hu Run Research Institute released the 2015 Hu Run cash rich list shows that from July 1, 2014 to August 14, 2015, a total of 30 people in the super 1350000000, total cash 8,600,000,000 Yuan, is 2.4 times the previous year.


Among them, the Meng Yi Zhu family and the family to sell the shares after the sale of profit 8200000000, becoming the 2015 cash king; Sander environment, Yi Bo Wen, Hui Ming Zhang couple in the past year 7000000000, ranked second.


Zhejiang, grand Tian Qiao Chen, Qian Qian Guo couples over the past year cash 6,200,000,000 Yuan, ranking third. Intime Guo Jun Shen cash 3,400,000,000 Yuan ranked seventh. Greentown Wei Ping Song and Bai Nian Shou respectively cash 2,900,000,000 Yuan and 2,400,000,000 Yuan, ranked twelfth and fifteenth.


This year the list of the rich list of the threshold from last year's 500,000,000 Yuan rose to 1350000000 Yuan, according to the total cash 86,000,000,000 Yuan to measure, the per capita amount of 2,870,000,000 Yuan.


Hu Run Research Institute pointed out that the reduction of the shares of the listing Corporation and the listing Corporation stock dividend is the past year, the two major ways of large cash holdings. 30 cash rich, there are 26 mainly through the transfer or holdings of shares held by the listing Corporation, the total number of 87%; the other 4 are mainly in the past year in the listing Corporation, which is the most representative of the Jia Yin Xu.

  30位套现富豪中,有6人登上《2015胡润慈善榜》。其中,许荣茂过去一年捐赠1.97亿元位列第7;陈发树过去一年捐赠1.87亿元位列第8;许家印过去一年捐赠1.26亿元位列第13;朱孟依家族过去一年捐赠2950万元位列第45;马化腾过去一年捐赠2550万元位列第52;祝义财过去一年捐赠2100万元位列第58。(作者:赵皓月综合报道 王凯伦/译)

30 cash rich, 6 people boarded the "2015 Hurun philanthropy list". Among them, Rong Mao Xv past year donated 1.97 billion Yuan, ranked No.7; Chen Fashu over the past year donated 1.87 billion Yuan, ranked No. 8; Jia Yin Xv $1.26 billion Yuan ranked No. 13 for the past year, according to the family over the past year donated $29.5 million, ranked No. 45; MA in the past year donated 25.5 million Yuan, ranked No. 52; Zhu Yi Choi in the past year donated 21 million Yuan, ranked No. 58. (Comprehensively reported by Hao Yue Zhao Kai Lun Wang/Translate)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:赵皓月 王凯伦    | 责编:俞舒珺     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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