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新版百元纸币今起发行 图案有调整垂直看竟似土豪金
New edition 100 yuan banknotes publish from today, there is an adjustment in pattern: seeing in vertical, it seems as “l
     发布时间:2015-11-12 08:01:33    



On 12th, Nov, 2015 edition of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan banknotes publish formally. Compared with old editions, the new edition 100 yuan banknotes keeps intrinsically main ton, pattern and size, but anti-fake performance has improve evidently.
The number “100”, which will be colored and change in the light, is in the center of frontage, under the characteristics “People’s bank of China”. In old editions, the number is printed by normal ink, and the new edition is printed with ink which will be colored and change in the light. Observing in vertical, the main color of “100” is gold, when you observe in eye level, the color becomes green. With change of observing angle, color of “100” will transform between gold and green, a light belt rolls up and down.
The safety line covers right side of the frontage. It is 4 mm wide, and change of color is evident, in the meantime, pierced words are also in integration. When observing angle changes from the eye level to skew-eyed, the color changes from magenta to green. Observing transmitting, the pierced word “100”, which is alternate arranging, can be seen. In old editions, the safety is in the reverse side, which is too thin for the public to observe.
In new edition of 100 yuan banknotes, there are a group of blue vertical numbers on the right of the frontage, which formed double numbers with horizontal numbers on the left. The two groups are completely consistent.
The across printed pattern changed from copper cash to “100”. On the lower left of frontage and lower right of the reverse side, there are both some strange pattern, which is similar to a quarter of “0”. Taking it up to see in the light, the two strange pattern formed a complete “100”.
The new banknotes will pass from the central bank to commercial banks, then to cash accessing between people and enterprises, gradually reach hands of people. Old banknotes recycled and destroyed will be used to generate electricity.
  (作者:赵皓月综合报道/ 邹婧颖 译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:赵皓月 邹婧颖    | 责编:俞舒珺     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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