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中国金融业现罕见离职潮 37位银行高管离职
China's financial industry is now a rare turnover of 37 banks executives leave
     发布时间:2015-11-12 09:23:02    




  A 20-year of China's financial executives intensive changes are coming. According to incomplete statistics, this year, 16 listed banks, 10 executives resigned.


  It is reported that this year, there have been Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Ping, Pudong, Societe Generale, bank, CITIC Bank, China and other listed bank executives to intensive change; local banks, Bank of Shanghai also executive turnover. Preliminary statistics, since the beginning of the bank executives have reached 37. Related to the post of director, President, vice president, director of risk, etc., and some are also the president of the branch line.


  "Over the past 20 years, China's financial industry executives have been relatively stable, but in recent years, the emergence of executive intensive changes, indeed rare." On November 5, Prudential Bank Institute execution Dean, Renmin University of China Institute of Finance Chongyang guest researcher Dong ximiao said to resign under the current situation of the reform and innovation, financial industry executives get together, is a normal phenomenon.

  中南财经政法大学一副教授表示,不算银行中层,仅以“董监高”级别来看,不到一年就有数十人离职,纵观中国20多年金融史,这种现象还是第一次出现。不过,在他看来,目前,中国的银行业还是非常稳定。 (作者:俞舒珺实习作者:俞佳慧综合报道 王凯伦/译)

  An associate professor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said the bank is not the middle, only to the Dong Jiangao level, less than a year, there are dozens of people leave, looking at China's 20 years of financial history, this phenomenon is the first time. However, in his view, at present, China's banking industry is still very stable. (Comprehensively reported by Shu Jun Yu Kai Lun Wang/Translate)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:赵皓月     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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