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热心公益的内蒙夫妇患难 杭州获捐38万善款
Public spirited Inner Mongolia couple meet trouble, and gain 380 thousand yuan donation in Hangzhou
     发布时间:2015-11-13 10:54:52    



          中国网11月12日讯 12日晚,一场特殊的晚会在杭州西湖文化广场环球中心当日启用的“中国网浙江环球发布中心”举行,一对来自内蒙古的夫妇在杭州获得了近38万元的捐款。
Chinanet, 12th, Nov Tonight, a special gala is held in “Chinanet Zhejiang Global Publishing Center”, which starts using today, in West Lake Cultural Square, Hangzhou. A couple from Inner Mongolia gains nearly 38 thousand yuan donation.
  “我一生中最爱的人哪,我醒来梦中还是你的样子,可不可以再爱我一次 ,让我学会做你的爱人……”当天的晚会在饶天亮的一曲《做我的爱人》中启幕,引出了公益使者王旭上台讲述了他身上发生的故事。
“The dearest of my life, when I wake up, your face is in my dream. Could you please love me again? Let me learn to be your lover…” The gala begins with a song-<be your lover>- of Rao Tianliang, which leads to Wang Xu, the public spirited messenger to tell his story.
Wang Xu and his wife, Wu Kaihui, are from Inner Mongolia, although they spend their days by doing part-time jobs, they are enthusiastic with public welfare establishment, and have helped many strangers. However, fortune is fickle, Wu had a leukemia. There has found the matching, but they have no way to get thousands of money to do operation. Inner Mongolia chamber of commerce in Zhejiang had known the information, then they instantly mobilized all sectors of society and Inner Mongolian in Zhejiang to give them a hand. Till 19:00, 11th, Nov, more than 200 fellow-townsmen of grassland in the same wechat group has raised nearly 340 thousand yuan for them.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:李斌 邹婧颖    | 责编:俞舒珺     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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