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杭州空姐做外围女反被骗 嫌犯分饰双角钱色双收
A Hangzhou stewardess ended up getting tricked as a business model The suspect gained both money and beauty by acting tw
     发布时间:2015-11-13 10:23:41    



Miss. Zhao, a 24-year old girl with striking appearance woks in a well-known domestic airline service. On one day in October, she discovered tip on Wechat on the way to Hangzhou downtown. The man on Wechat claimed to be "An Yuan", directly asked Zhao whether wanted to do "business model" to make money, and especially referred to the high income.
Then they left numbers to each other. "An Yuan" contacted Miss Zhao after a few days and said he had found an “official second-generation” "customer" for her, who willing to give 22000 RMB to her as a reward. Miss Zhao had listened to An Yuan’s instructions and booked a room in a hotel at that night.
An Yuan sent two screenshots of the remittances that showing 22,000 being transferred to Miss Zhao. Then a man who claimed introduced by An Yuan knocked at the door and the two had sex.
The next day, the two left the hotel; the man said that he had no cash, asking Zhao to lend 6000 Yuan to him and promised repay her soon. Miss Zhao agreed.
On the way home, Miss Zhao contacted "An Yuan" on Wechat, only to find that she had been in blacklist, even the phone calls can't get through. She immediately checked transfer orders in the screenshot through PayPal customer service, only to find the deal nonexistent!
Miss Zhao felt shamed and frustrated, and then came to the Xiangfu police of Hangzhou Gongshu district. On November 6, "An Yuan" was caught.
An Yuan’s real name is Ye Mou; he is a 21-year-old man from Anhui Province without a job. Ye played two roles as An Yuan, who introduced customer to Miss Zhao and “official second generation” who came to the hotel.  It was himself that met Zhao and had sex at the hotel.
According to Ye’s confession, he made acquaintance with women on Wechat and tricked them with high income for times. He had cheated five women to have sex with him, and cheated more than 10,000 Yuan at the same time. Now, Ye is detained by police.
  (作者:赵皓月综合报道 吴东东译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:赵皓月 吴东东    | 责编:俞舒珺     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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