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What influence would the inclusion of RMB into SDR have on the export enterprises in Zhejiang?
     发布时间:2015-12-03 10:32:02    



Since the IMF has officially announced that RMB would be included into SDR on October 1st of next year, what influences would have on the export enterprises of Zhejiang?
Our reporter contacted a relevant principal of a Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. And he told our reporter that in the past, all foreign trade business in Yiwu was settled in dollars. But due to the rapid development of Yiwu International Trade and other characteristics, some foreign traders began to agree to settle by means of RMB.
"For example, if an order amount is one million Yuan, referring to the exchange rates on the day to settle for foreign traders, and the other party paid according to the exchange rate was 101 billion Yuan, then the extra 10,000 Yuan would not bother me; but if it was paid 99 millionYuan according to the exchange rate, the foreign traders would fill the gap." In his opinion, paying by RMB could reduce unnecessary risks.
"However, foreign traders who agreed to settle by RMB were still a minority part in the past. But since the inclusion of RMB into the SDR, more and more foreign banks have Chinese currency reserve and would recognize RMB as an international settlement currency, then more and more foreign investors would agree to the use RMB as settlement when they are doing business with us."
Our reporter also learned that the status of the RMB would be further strengthened in foreign trades of some regions. A director of an export company said the inclusion of RMB into SDR would bring profits immediately for some enterprises to export products to Vietnam and other ASEAN countries. It was because that in Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, the Yuan itself is hard currency. " ( Zhao Haoyue reported, Huang Zijun translated)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:宋盈盈     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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