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体育旅游升温迅速 “杭马”可否与杭州旅游打包起来?
Sports tourism grew quickly; could “Hangzhou Marathon” develop together with Hangzhou Tourism?
     发布时间:2015-12-03 10:48:13    



Recently, a piece of news that “Kobe personally wrote an article to announce his retirement for next season” was forwarded crazily. While some were lamenting their past youth, the tourism agencies promoted some tourism products as to watch “Lakers vs Spurs” basketball competitions in Los Angeles of America. And the flights tickets of the mid of January have been ordered out only with several left at the end of this month which fully confirmed “Kobe Effect”.
Sports tourism grew quickly in domestic market with a rapid increasing rate and travel agencies all spared no efforts to develop relative products. In addition to the earlier travel products related to international top sports competitions like Premier League, La Liga, Wimbledon and so on, there were also “Tourism + Sports” travel products including go hiking in groups, riding bikes around the island and swimming and so on.
What’s more, the support service for sports tourism also gradually became perfect. Taking marathon as an example, it could not be so simple to add a program of marathon into traditional travel products. “In contrast, we would provide professional reception staff to solve all problems from the preparation work before a marathon to the relaxation work after marathon. And there would be a special relaxation place as ‘China Youth Travel Service of Zhejiang’ at where to provide warming service for tourists.”
"Some people might think that comparing to rock climbing, kayaking, skiing and other sports, running a marathon was so low-tech that did not need a professional team to support or even did not require travel agencies deeply involved in providing services. Tourists were completely free to go to a city to run a marathon then continue their travel. However, in the contrary, some travel agencies have already had a mature system on overseas marathon travel products in aspects of marketing, operations and development. And there was a lot of worthy experience for domestic marathon organizers and travel agencies to learn. “As an expert suggested, Hangzhou was rich in tourism resources, and "Hangzhou Marathon" had a wider influence. So we could combine Hangzhou tourism together with “Hangzhou Marathon” to develop special sports tourism products. (Zhao Haoyue reported, Huang Zijun translated)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:宋盈盈     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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