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浙江迎冬修水利黄金期 五年内将完成水利投资3000亿元
Zhejiang is in the golden period of “winter repairing to water conservancy”, 300 billion yuan of investigation for water
     发布时间:2015-12-03 11:04:14    



Now is in the golden period of “winter repairing to water conservancy”. Recently, there was news of victory coming from Zhejiang water conservancy meeting, that till the end of Oct, the whole province has finished 44.6 billion of investigation for water conservancy, and prediction shows that here will finish 55 billion of investigation for water conservancy, which ranks the first of the nation.
It is known that during the 12th Five-Year Plan, Zhejiang was predicted to finish 205 billion of investigation for water conservancy, which increased 93%, compared with the 11th Five-Year Plan. Carried out water conservancy strictly, aimed high and went all out, has become the main melody of water conservancy in new period, and in the future five years, 300 billion yuan of investigation for water conservancy will be ensured to finish in 5 years.
Behind a series of numbers, there are thousands of water conservancy projects. How big functions will these projects bring? We can see a part from Hangzhou Sanbao waterlogging pumping station, which has come into use. This station, whose total investigation was a billion yuan, finished in this year, and was come into use in meiyu period. If the 4 sets of machines all switch off, 17 million cubic meters of water will be pumped in 24 hours, which corresponds to water yield of 1.5 West Lake.
Besides, construction of water conservancy made the water cleaner, mountain greener, which has become new kinetic energy of economy development. From this year, plan of comprehensive remediation to river channels was 2 thousand kilometers, but it has completed 3.126 thousand kilometers, channels which was black and smelly originally, now has become attractive scenic zones, which attracted a lot of investigation.
  (作者:俞舒珺综合报道/ 邹婧颖 译)


来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:宋盈盈     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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