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The increase of CPI hits a six-year low
     发布时间:2016-01-11 05:47:30    



State Statistics Bureau releases December 2015 CPI on 10th. Data shows that CPI rise 0.5% from Nov and increase 1.6% compared to the same period last year. In 2015, CPI rises 1.4% over the previous year and hits a six-year low.


According to statistics, in 2015 CPI increases 1.4% from last year and decreases 0.6% from 2014, which is the lowest since 2010 year. The first time comes to the 1 era. State Statistics Bureau data shows that from 2010 to 2014, the increases of CPI are 3.3%, 5.4%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 2%. Zhu Baoliang, director of the state information center's economic forecast analysis that in 2015 steady slowing down economic development, falling oil prices and other reasons leads to a modest rise of prices in 2015.


So what about the CPI trend in 2016? Traffic Bank Financial Research Center analysis, in recent years of soybeans, rice, rice and other food import increase a lot and international food prices are substantially lower than domestic prices, this increase constraints related domestic good’s prices. At the same time, in the situation of international commodity prices low shock down and weak domestic economy, goods except of the food are lack of the power to increase. Economic growth power transfers to the third industry, the service price is stable.

  因此,在当前的宏观大背景下,物价涨幅总体保持低位运行,不会出现明显的通胀压力。在不出现严重的外部冲击与经济波动的情况下,CPI也不会跌入负增长区间。货币政策在稳健的基础上偏向宽松调节,流动性的释放将推动2016年CPI小幅上升,但整体保持低通胀状态的概率较大。(作者:俞舒珺综合报道/顾远 译)

Therefore, in the current macro background, prices rise continued at a slow place and there will be no significant inflationary pressures. In the case of no severe external shocks and economic fluctuations, CPI will not fall into a negative growth range. On the base of steady state, monetary policy adjusts loosely. The liquidity release will promote the slight increase of CPI in 2016, but the probability of maintaining a low inflation state is big.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:张苗     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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