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Zhejiangexplore the PPP model to participate,in building of Hang-Wen railway and Hang-Shao-Tai railway
     发布时间:2016-01-11 05:46:29    



According to the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission news, Hang-Wen railway and Hang-Shao-Tai railway two projects are included in the national model project on social capital investments in railways. Zhejiang will be in conjunction with the relevant municipalities and departments to establish coordination mechanisms for demonstration projects,actively explore cooperation PPP patterns involved in railway construction and operation.


It is understood that for the implementation of the State Council on the reform of railway investment and financing system of accelerating the construction of the railway, to break down the social capital investments in the construction of railways "last mile", the national development and Reform Commission decided to introduced a number of social capital investments in rail demonstration project. 8 social capital investments in this railway project has including Hang-Wen railway and Hang-Shao-Tairailway projects.


It is learnt that the Hang-Wenhigh speed railway also known as Hang-Wen intercity railway passenger dedicated line, is within the urban district of Hangzhou, Jinhua-Yiwu urban districts and the most efficient channel of Wenzhou metropolitan area arrived 1 hour. Hang-Shao-Tai railway is also known as Hang-Shao-Tai inter-city railway passenger dedicated line, is the Hangzhou metropolitan area with Wen-Tai metropolitandistrict an important channel.


Since the State Council on strengthening management of local government debt clearly stated after the PPP model. PPP became an important mechanism of government cooperation with the social capital. Zhejiang is working through PPP models to build social capital intermediary involved in government projects. The participation in railway construction and operation is another step in exploration of Zhejiang.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:张苗     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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