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暂停注册、广告下架 多地加强网贷平台监管
Suspend registration,ban advertisement several places strengthen the supervision of net loan platform
     发布时间:2016-01-13 08:03:30    



For the P2P industry, the real winter may be just beginning. Recently, market rumors that after the industry regulatory draft rules being issued, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places’ industry and commerce departments have made a response to suspend the registration of Internet financial enterprises.


Recently, reporter ask Hangzhou Trade and Industry Bureau Registration Office, the reply is that Hangzhou doesn’t suspend investment and investment advisory company's registration now, whether to follow Beijing, Shanghai is not clear.


However, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and industry confirms the suspended investment enterprise registration news, and points out that this suspension is mainly for the chaos like P2P, illegal fund-raising. It’s only a short-term measure. Now, the related departments are studying the new regulations, after it issuing, investment companies will be restarted.


When suspend the related companies register, Beijing industry and Commerce department has also strengthened the supervision of the relevant advertising, and required all of the district to stop the private finance related ads, including but not limited to P2P, financial advertising and so on. If the platform does not want to stop, they need to be agreed by the finance office over district level.

  监管的收紧显然和最近频发的P2P跑路潮有关。据网贷之家统计,2015年新上线的网贷平台至少1500家,而全年问题平台就达到896家,是2014年的3.26倍。除了不少平台提现困难或跑路,一些成交规模居于前列的平台,也频频遭遇警方调查。(作者张苗 综合报道/顾远 译)

Regulatory tightening is clearly related to the recent disappearing of P2P. According to the net loan home statistics, in 2015 the new on-line net loan platforms are at least 1500, and the annual problem platform reaches to 896, is the 3.26 times of 2014. In addition to many platforms which are difficult or disappearing, some of the scale platforms are also frequently invested by policy.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:张苗     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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