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宁波鄞州区确诊两例H7N9病例 正全力抢救尚无人死亡
There are two H7N9 cases in Yinzhou, Ningbo and nobody dies now
     发布时间:2016-01-13 08:02:04    



Recently, a new is hot in Wechat friend circle, “a person from Ningbo dead on yesterday 4:21 because of H7N9. He is 28 years old. And the doctors who join in saving have been infected. “This news has everyone panicking.


On the night of Jan. 11, Ningbo Health and Family Planning Commission official weibo issues news to deny these rumors. It says there are 2 H7N9 cases in Yizhou, and one of them is dangerous and doctors are trying to rescue. And the other one is not so dangerous. Up to now, the city does not have the death of H7N9 cases, close people and doctors are not infected.

  卫生部门提醒市民,H7N9可防可控,注意不接触活禽,出现发热、咳嗽等症状,特别是有活禽接触史的,应及时就诊。(顾远 译)

Health departments remind the public, H7N9 can be prevented. Pay attention to live birds and when you have fever, cough and other symptoms, you should go hospital as soon as possible.

来源: 钱江晚报    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:张苗     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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