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Zhejiang University graduates career development report publish,1 out of every 20 people is starting business
     发布时间:2016-01-13 08:01:20    



Education evaluation Institute of Zhejiang province recently issued the "2014 graduates' career development in Zhejiang Province and the quality of talent cultivation survey report." Reports show that 2014 proportion of college graduates in the area of self-employment was higher than that in the previous two graduates. It was first breakthroughs 5%. This means that 1 out of every 20 graduates is in the business, which is far above the national average.


Reports show that as of June 2015, 2014 college graduates one year after graduation in Zhejiang Province total employment was 96.26%, which the universities was 95.48%, for 97.18% in higher vocational colleges. 80.33% employment remains the main choice of graduates employment in colleges and universities in Zhejiang province.


Investigations revealed that 2014 graduates one year after graduation, the average monthly income for 3618, which is higher than previous 363 where college graduates with an average monthly income of 3806 and graduates of higher vocational colleges with an average monthly income of 3404. Both are at record highs.


In specialty income rankings, broadcasting and hosting art and acting earn more than 5000 Yuan a month. In specialist professional income rankings, the top three are air crew, business administration and aviation services, where the first two monthly income of more than 5300 Yuan.

  在2014届高校毕业生中,有5.02%的人投身创业,其中本科院校毕业生创业率为3.76%,高职院校毕业生创业率为6.49%。有51.15%的创业者选择在受雇工作一段时间后再开始自主创业,毕业后直接创业的占34.70%。(作者:赵皓月综合报道 陈雨薇/译)

College graduates in 2014, 5.02% people join the venture, in which college graduates is 3.76%, graduates of higher vocational colleges is 6.49%. 51.15% entrepreneurs choice in employment after a period of time and then started their own business, directly after graduation startup 34.7%.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:张苗     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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