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杭州出台相关福利征求意见稿 鼓励高校师生创业创新
Hangzhou propose welfare exposure draft, encouraging college teachers and students entrepreneurship and innovation
     发布时间:2016-03-09 06:35:38    




On March 6, the Hangzhou municipal Committee of science and technology propose "concerning the encouragement of teachers and students in colleges and universities in Hangzhou-Hangzhou, Hangzhou innovation number of observations (draft for soliciting opinions)" which has put forward many views of protection mechanisms, funding support and marketization of scientific and technological achievements.


Views draft encourages hang University personnel post venture, encourages relaxed students length years, allows adjustment academic process and retain student dropped out innovation venture. In school students using elastic system dropped out venture also can was considered participate in practice education and meter into practice credits. It encourages hang University construction features park. The highest can get 1 million support funds. It encourages hang University on by holding some technology results, independent decided transfer and license or pricing investment, gradually through agreement pricing, technology exchange market trading and auction marketing methods to determine prices.

  据悉,国家自主创新示范区相关政策,或将延伸至在杭高校创建的特色园区(小镇)。扩大创业投资引导基金、转贷引导基金、政策性担保、风险池资金等融资扶持资金总量,加大贷款贴息力度,引导和鼓励社会力量以多种方式向自主创业大学生提供投资、贷款、担保等服务。(实习作者:俞佳慧综合报道 陈雨薇/译)

It is reported that the national independent innovation demonstration zone policies or create a feature be extended to Hangzhou University Park (small town). It will expand the venture capital fund, transfer the loan fund, guarantee the policy, risk pool funding total funds of funds, increase the intensity of the loan, guide and encourage social forces in a variety of ways to start a business college investments, loans, guarantees and other services.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:俞佳慧     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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