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杭州交通“红色拥堵” 建议未来一两个月公交出行
Transportation in Hangzhou has completely crowded. It is advised to go out by buses in the future months.
     发布时间:2016-03-09 11:22:09    




According to data of actual supervision platform, at around 7am of recent days, urban transportation has become busy. After 8am, the red lines symbolizing “severely crowded” have filled with the screens, Desheng Road, Shangtang Road, Wensan Road, Moganshan Road and Shuguang Road are all in a crowded situation.


Why the morning peaks are so severe in these days? From now on, will the morning peaks the same as present?


It is known that the main reasons of severely crowded on Monday morning are three:


Firstly, morning peaks of Monday are always rather crowded time on weekdays. Secondly, Hangzhou has entered the busy season of tourism, and traffic control will be carried out from this weekend. Thirdly, there are also some roads in construction, which caused temporary influence to passage.


Prediction showed that in the future months, with reasons of weather and construction, busy traffic will be a normal trend in Hangzhou, especially the morning and evening peaks. It is said that except Zhonghe-Shangtang Elevated and Qiushi Elevated, Dongxin Road (from north to south), Desheng Road, Wenyi Road(from Moganshan Road to Jiaogong Road), Tiyuchang Road, Fengqi Road, Qingchun Road, Moganshan Road, South Hushu Road, North Zhongshan Road, Hedong Road and Dongpo Road will all be busy, it is advised that to go out by buses.


  (实习作者:俞佳慧综合报道/ 邹婧颖 译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:俞佳慧     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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