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宁波申报设立梅山新区 浙江或将拥有“一港两区”
Ningbo declare Meishan District, Zhejiang or will have "one Port and two Districts"
     发布时间:2016-03-11 17:09:19    




Recently, Ningbo declare Meishan District news again a cause for concern.


"National should be increased Meishan area as the National District in the national 'Thirteen-Five' socio-economic development plan, the Yangtze River economic zone plan, planning of urban agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta and other strategic planning." Deputy to the National People's Congress, Ningbo Municipal People's Congress Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director Song Wei at the 12 session of the national people's Congress meeting recommendations, relying on Meishan bonded Harbor area, Meishan international logistics industry cluster District, Ningbo international marine science and technology city and other platform, manpower planning of Meishan District into more open and innovative driving force of the national area.

  据了解,目前规划梅山新区的方案已经确定并将上报。如果申报成功,浙江将成为全国唯一拥有“一港两区”(一港即宁波舟山港,两区即梅山新区、舟山新区两个国家级新区)顶级政策平台和资源平台的省份。(实习作者:俞佳慧综合报道 陈雨薇/译)

It is understood that the current programme planning of Meishan District have been identified and will be reported. If the application is successful, Zhejiang will be the sole owner of "one Port and two Districts" (one Port is Zhoushan port, two Districts namely two State-level area Meishan area and Zhoushan area) top policy platform and resources platform of the province.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:俞佳慧     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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