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嘉兴待建丽水待批 浙江九大运输机场完成布局
Zhejiang is having layout of nine major airports
     发布时间:2016-03-13 07:40:41    




According to Zhejiang Province last October issued the General airport development plan, in 2030, the airport will form a "9730" layout, which 9 airports, 7 first class general airports, 30 second class general airports, several third class general airports and most of the counties (cities) will have general airport.


Zhejiang now has 7 transport planes and 2 other transportation construction projects. The building of Jiaxing airport have been approved and awaits construction, Lishui airport awaits to be approved. It is learnt that the Jiaxing airport in addition to meeting local demand, may also be used as the third airport in Shanghai, becoming an important part of Yangtze River Delta Air traffic system. Lishui airport project as early as January 2008 included in the national plan of civil airport distribution, is still awaiting approval.


If these 2 construction of the airport begin, according to industry insiders as saying, 9 airports in the province's layout basically set up completely.

  这意味着,到那个时候,浙江人的出行,除了公路、高铁、城际铁路之外,“打飞的”或许也将成为一种非常普通的交通选择。(实习作者:俞佳慧综合报道 陈雨薇/译)

This means that, when that happens, people travel apart from highways, high-speed railway, inter-city railway, the "flying" probably will become a common option.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:中国网综合    | 责编:俞佳慧     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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