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中国雄安打拼22年 温商王文有攒下10间商铺
After struggle for two years in Xiong’an ,China ,businessman Wang Wenyou from Wenzhou has save ten shops
     发布时间:2017-04-17 19:54:14    

  中国网讯 44岁温州永嘉商人王文于22年前来到当时还叫雄州的雄安。如今他已经是雄州温州商会执行会长,在当地有10间服装商铺。

  In 22 years ago,the businessman Wang wenyou from Yongjia,Wenzhou,came to Xiong’an where was also called Xiongzhou at that time.Now he is 44 years old and already became the executive director of the Xiongzhou,Whenzhou Chamber of Commerce,own 10 local clothing shops.


  Recalled that at that time, "from remote Wenzhou rural area went to this small town close to Beijing,I found that is not as well as imagination."said Wang Wenyou.



  He has sold the furniture, sold the clothes and did all sorts of small commodity business for 22 years in Xiongzhou.In 2013, he and his countrymen from the newly formed Xiongzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, winning more than 14 mu of land in Xiong County,Xiongzhou city’Market Transformation Programme through bidding,among them, he invested 14 million yuan by himself.

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  At present, Xiongzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commercealready has more than 300 member companies,more than 4000 people engaged in trade in Xiong’an New District come from Wenzhou. Wenzhou businessman is the main power of Xiong’an and even the Baoding city,as it were.

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 实习生 胡金 综合报道 宓文文/译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:杨云寒 实习生 胡金    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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