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亚运会选址仍未定 中国政府人性化考虑中
The Asian games site selection is still under consideration of humanization of the Chinese government
     发布时间:2017-04-19 09:29:05    


The Asian games village planning and site selection became a hot spot again with the organizing committee office building hung out its shingle. However, the Asian games village location is not yet finally settled.


Sun Guangming, the Director of the Sports Bureau of Zhejiang Provincehas revealed that the Asian games village site should meet the requirements of the Olympic Council of Asia(OCA), such as provides food and accommodation for 15 thousands people, no more than half an hour's driveto the main stadium.These must be achieved as the promises of bid, at the same time to consider the overall planning of urban development and the secondary development in future and should not be too far from the reality.



Before, the related department specially invited the design agency and stylistic convention and exhibition enterprises what on behalf of the highest level on domestic sports facilities design, construction and operation.Also invited the real estate agencies what constructed and operatedShenyang, Jinan and Quanyun village in Tianjing successful,sitting together and have a"brainstorming". Parties agree that the Asian Games Village and Asian Games venue design must need the enterprises to participate in the pre-planning ahead of time,as well as the construction and operation to overall consideration.



It is introduced that as the Asian Games Main Stadium,Olympic Sports Expo Center will be built before the end of the year. International Expo Center construction project has been completed and put into use.Other relatedinfrastructure supporting projects and environmental engineering of Hangzhou Olympic Sports Expo are synchronous actualized.


According to other sources, on April 17th, in Hangzhou, OCA and Alisportsannounced that they are reached a strategic partnership.E-sports will become an official event in Hangzhou Asian Games,2022.

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 实习生 胡金 综合报道宓文文/译)

来源:     | 作者:杨云寒 实习生 胡金    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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