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World E-commerce Industry Alliance Zhejiang center was settled in Yiwu
     发布时间:2017-04-19 17:54:58    

  中国网浪潮新闻讯 日前,世界电子商务产业联盟浙江中心正式落户义乌。金华市委常委、义乌市委书记盛秋平表示,互联网已经深入到每个人生活的方方面面,电商也可以带来万众创业、大众创新的局面,在义乌这片创业热土上,电子商务将大有可为。

CNCAO NEWS A few days ago, World E- commerce Industry Alliance Zhejiang center was settled in Yiwu officially.ShengQiuping,Jinhua member of the Jinhua Standing Committee, secretary of Yiwu municipal Party committee says that the Internet has penetrated into every aspect of life.So, E-commerce can also bring a situation of entrepreneurship of the multitude and mass innovation. E-commerce will be promising in Yiwu,the place of entrepreneurship.


Yiwu is located in the middle of Zhejiang.Since ancient times,a sentence “poor land and dense population, poor landscape" describes this place very well. In order to support the family, people of Yiwu took the initiative to get out of the house and went on a long journey carrying a load.They exchanged sugar cookies for chicken feather and started the most marginalized dicker in agricultural society. Spring breeze of reform and opening-up blew on people’s face. At that time,with the efforts of three generations,people of Yiwu rely on their industrious hands , writing a legend of " build up from nothing "


In 2016,the local GDP of Yiwu reached 111.8 billion yuan, an increase of 7.7%; Total export-import volume was 222. 9 billion yuan, an increase of 5%; Commodity market turnover reached 373. 12 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8%; E-commerce transactions amounted to 177 billion yuan, an increase of 17.14%;Express parcel volume of Yiwu reached 1.30 billion, accounting for one thirtieth of China in 2016


In recent years, the rapid development of e-commerce in China has made remarkable achievements. At the meeting, SuJunjiu,the promoter of World E-commerce Industry Alliance, the executive director of the Chinese e-commerce Commission says with all sorts of feelings that nowadays China has entered a time which leads the trends of world e-commerce from a time of cloning Internet developed area at the very beginning.

       (中国网作者 杨云寒 见习作者 安静 杜依依/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:杨云寒 实习 安静 杜依依/译    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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