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电子竞技登堂入室 确认成为杭州亚运正式比赛项目
E-sports has became an official event ofHangzhou Asian Games
     发布时间:2017-04-19 18:15:38    


CNCAO NEWS:(17th April, Beijing time)Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah,president of the Olympic Council of Asia, and the partner Alisports, announced that the E-sports became an official event of Hangzhou Asian Games.



OCA have some sports events under the group, such as the Asian Games, the Winter Games, and the Asian Indoor/Martial Games. In the second indoor games held in Macao in 2007, it added E-sports event.


In ten days ago, on the Heads of the delegations of member states convention, OCA groomed the everything about the fifth Asia Indoor/Martial Games in September in Ashkhabad, with the Alisports was invited to make a description for E-sports event of this game. It is reported that this year's programs will add MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), RTS (Real-Time Strategy Game) and other three non-sports competitive projects except FIFA2017. And these types of athletic projects are currently the most popular project of e-sports athletes all over the world, as well as be introduced in WESG (World Electronic Sports Games) .



Both OCA and Alisports said, the Asian Indoor/Martial Games just the first step toward OCA Competition System.In the future from the number of participating countries/areas , the range of OCA delegation will expand from 45 Asian countries/regions to 62 including Oceania, increasing coverage of E-sports event; Secondly, on the event categories, OCA will also think about add E-sports event in Beach Games and the Asian Games what is the great influence game under the group as well.



Zhang Dazhong, the CEO of Alisportssaid that after such a significant step, E-sports into the Olympic Games, maybe it really just a matter of time.

  (中国网作者杨云寒 见习作者 胡金 综合报道宓文文/译)

来源:     | 作者:杨云寒 见习 胡金 宓文文/译)    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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