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Hangzhou strives to be the "made in China 2025" pilot demonstration city
     发布时间:2017-04-20 17:13:35    

  中国网浪潮新闻讯 近日,中共杭州市经信委智能制造产业处处长王明兴表示,杭州可以在一些细分行业先形成示范,再依托杭州的信息经济优势形成自身的发展模式,争取申报成为‘中国制造2025’试点示范城市。”

CNCAO NEWS Recently, Wang Mingxing, director of the Communist Party of China’s Hangzhou Commission of Economy and Information Technology intelligent manufacturing industry, said that Hangzhou can set a good example in some subdivided trade structures before relying on the information of Hangzhou information and economic advantages to form their own models of development,and then try to apply to become the "made in China 2025" pilot demonstration city. "



In recent years, under the stimulus of all kinds of preferential policies of government, many manufacturing enterprises start “rolled up their sleeves” to build Intelligent Factories, but some of the companies may not see the benefits of real improvement. To this, the Vice-chairman of the China Machinery Industry Federation, special adviser Zhu Sendi as one of the chief designer of "made in China 2025" program of action emphasized that enterprises should not follow building digital workshops of intelligent factories blindly, enterprises must adjust measures to different factories, in order to improve the efficiency, guaranteeing quality, fast response speed and mass customization as a starting point, as well as have these five basic conditions: vigorous market demand, good development prospects, volume product, a lot of manual operations and strong technology base.



Zhu sendi also have full confidence in the development of the manufacturing industry in Zhejiang, he said the Zhejiang enterprises in the field of intelligent manufacturing have a bright future, enterprises after a certain scale can have intelligent transformation to the traditional product line in order toreap the benefit ofreal improvement. For start-ups, he encouraged people with visions focus on intelligent manufacturing equipment, aimed at a niche field to overcome and breaking technical monopolyin key technologies.

  (中国作者 杨云寒 见习作者 胡金 综合报道 宓文文/译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:杨云寒 见习 胡金 宓文文/译    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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