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Hangzhou Airport and Alibaba Initiate First "No-Cash-Airport"
     发布时间:2017-04-22 15:16:28    
  中国网浪潮新闻讯 4月21日下午,杭州萧山国际机场将与阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服签订战略合作协议,携手打造全球第一个“无现金机场”。
  CNCAO NEWS On the afternoon of April 21, Hangzhou International Airport has signed strategic co-operation agreement with Alibaba and its financial services provider Ant Financial to jointly found the first "no-cash-airport" in the world.


  It is said that Alibaba's online-traveling-service provider Fliggy, along with other business units including AliPay, AliCloud, KouBei and DingTalk, will cooperate with Hangzhou airport to offer better online and offline services for tourists by this "combined fist". The advanced internet tech of Alibaba would also be used in Hangzhou airport to enhance services such as acquiring flight information, optimizing security procedures and shopping there for travellers.
  Besides, Hangzhou airport will also get profound co-discussion with Alibaba's AliCloud to integrate cloud computing and big data with its services by co-exploration for the sake of raising the efficiency of scanning as well as the level of security, decreasing queuing congestion and so on to get guests released and less anxious.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:见习 邱玉洁 孙吴琪 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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