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Love is full in Mt. Tianshan 186 projects of Zhejiang helping Xinjiang has been concentrated to start
     发布时间:2017-04-23 15:45:56    
  A full investment by the Zhejiang province Yuanjiang funds, the construction project of teaching building in Akesu textile and garment training center was settled in Akesu Xinjian in April 21st, with a total investment of 25 million yuan, covers an area of about 4.5 acres, with a total construction area of 8000 square meters. The project will have a significant role in promoting local education, employment, etc.
  Reporters learned from the provincial headquarters of Yuanjiang project, this year, the  allocated for Yuanjiang funds from region's counterpart is 167,000,000,0 yuan, the capital actually arranged for Yuanjiang project is 157,000,000,0 yuan, confirmed 186 Yuanjiang projects.


  The concentrated construction including Akesu express logistics distribution center, the kindergarten in Wave Street Akesu, a division of the Corps of high skilled talents of modern agricultural public training base in Alar city.
  It is understood that there is 401 cadres and talents of the 9th Yuanjiang project in Zhejiang, Zhejiang is one of the provinces with the largest number of counterpart Yuanjiang provinces, a lot of Yuanjiang cadres and talents played a key role in the demonstration and the recipient unit.
  Zhejiang Tiejun, Yuanjiang livelihood and Yuanjiang industry are brands and advantages of Zhejiang Yuanjiang project. According to statistics, in many projects,   there are 13 regional co-ordination projects like the construction of preschool bilingual education teacher training center, arranging Yuanjiang funds of 129,000,000 yuan, accounted for about $8.2% total funds this year, mainly used for employment, education, personnel and other aspects.
  In the provinces and cities’ Yuanjiang project structure, livelihood security funds is far more than other areas, occupied the largest share; then are the industrial employment and education projects. The nine batch of Zhejiang Yuanjiang industry efforts to consolidate and expand the results, to promote the employment, while  make people out of poverty. Since March this year, more than and 100 Yuanjiang projects started in succession, covering a wide range of housing, education and health and other areas of people's livelihood, textile, building materials, electric power and other related industrial projects, rapid injection of cadres to serve personnel and funds, and provide a solid guarantee for smoothing the progress of the project, give full play to the role of benchmarking Zhejiang iron army.

来源: 中国网    | 作者:见习 邱玉洁 黄璐 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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