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中国最权威最具影响力的茶博会 缘何永久落户杭州?
Why would China's most authoritative and influential tea expo be permanently in Hangzhou?
     发布时间:2017-04-28 18:35:09    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,中国政府农业部称中国国际茶博会将永久落户浙江杭州。原因在于杭州在茶叶相关领域有着巨大优势。

CNCAO NEWSRecently,the ministry of agriculture of the People's Republic of Chinasaid China International Tea Expowould be permanently displayed in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The reason is that Hangzhou has a huge advantage in the field of tea.



It is known that Hangzhou is not just the largest concentration of tea research institutes in the world, also is the tea science and technology talents gathering center of the world.Tea Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(TRI CAAS), Brief Description On China Tea SciencSociety, China National Tea Museum and other organizations has a special positionin the international sci-tech communication of tea, and there are eighteen royal tea, tea gardens, Longwu tea town, Mei Jiawu and many other places to experience tea culture. Zhejiang isan important tea trade province in china, trading volume of nearly 150,000 tons, 19.3 billionlast year.



Lin Jiandong, the secretary-general of Tea Expo,the chief of Zhejiang province agriculture department said that Zhejiang tea market is very developed, showing a national circulation format. Zhejiang is a tea trade hub in China, with large markets and wide commerce circulation. The existing tea market 110, the annual trading volume of 150,000 tons. Among them, nearly 70,000 tons from the other tea producingprovinces. As for export volume, Zhejiang exported nearly 170,000 tons of tea each year, of which nearly 70% of the raw materials from the other tea producing provinces


In addition,Zhejiang as a big province of tea, tea trade has gone far beyond the concept of regional.


  据了解,首届茶博会将于北京时间5月18日至21日在杭州国际博览中心举办,其主题是“品茗千年 中国好茶”。这也是中国政府首次举办的最权威最具影响力的国际性茶叶盛会。

It is known that the first Tea Expo will be held in Beijing on May 18 to 21 at the Hangzhou International Expo Center, its theme is "taste of millennium tea, Chinese good tea". This is also the first time Chinese government held the most authoritative and most influential international tea event.

  (中国网作者  杨云寒 见习作者  胡金 袁旭宁/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:杨云寒 见习 胡金 袁旭宁/译    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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