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浙江小伙义无反顾做战地记者 获国际媒体点赞
Zhejiang boy became a war correspondent without hesitation praised by the international media
     发布时间:2017-04-30 17:22:00    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,在战乱地区做战地作者的中国85后杭州小伙陈序,被英国主流纸媒《卫报》以长文报道赞扬。这凸显了近年来中国作者在热点地区越来越强的存在感和话语权。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, post-85s Hangzhou boy Chen Xu,a war correspondent in war areas,was praised by a long report of the British mainstream media The Guardian.It highlights the growing sense of presence and discourse power of Chinese reporters in hot spots in recent years.



Chen Xu take a group photo with soldiers in the trenches of Iraq frontline.(Photo provided by Chen Xu)


Chen Xu, a native of Hangzhou, entered Xinhua News Agency after graduating from the Arabic major of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In early 2011,he volunteered to be sent to the branch office in Gaza, which was in intense conflict.


In Gaza, where“as soon as you go out, there will be a danger to life”,from only having a little foundation of writing and photography to grasping the reports of conflict sence and in-depth reports of war areas,Chen Xu used only less than a year. The efforts and hardships during this period are self-evident.



Chen Xu have an interview with a gas mask.( Photo provided by Chen Xu)


At the same time,he had the spirit of adventure more. In late 2012, when Israel launched a action called “Pillar of Defense” to Gaza, he was one of the few journalists who still go to the Gaza Strip, where was adjacent to the death.He was also the only reporter of Chinese media to enter Gaza Strip. With the brave and keen personality and excellent professional skills, Chen was recognized by reporters of internationally renowned media in war area quickly.


In fact, not only Chen Xu, more and more young Chinese journalists are appearing in lots of front-line war areas in the world constantly.


Chen Shan,the former journalist with Hangzhou nationality stationed in Afghan who experienced baptism by war similarly said that there was an increasing number of Chinese journalists in the hot spots in the world, which presented younger trend. The Guardian also said that “reports of war areas” is the most testing arena of comprehensive strength of International Media.Chinese journalists had grown up a new rising power gradually in this field.At the same time,their sense of presence and discourse power became stronger and stronger.



Chen Shan 

  (中国网作者 李斌 见习作者 安静 综合报道 杜依依/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:李斌 见习 安静 综合报道 杜依依/译    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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