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低空游或成国际旅游新蓝海 宁波率先试水
Low level tourism may become a new blue ocean of international tourism Ningbo be the first to test the water
     发布时间:2017-04-30 17:32:22    

  中国网浪潮资讯 北京时间4月29日,宁波溪口景区启动首个空中游览项目。接下来,宁波将建设集空中游览、政府服务等多种功能于一体的飞行基地,拟在2018年年底完成“环宁波20分钟空中游览生态圈”的搭建。

CNCAO NEWS On April 29th, beijing time, the scenic spot in Xikou, Ningbo launched the first air tour project. Next step, Ningbo will build a set of air travel, government services and other functions into one flight base, the constructions of “ Around Ningbo 20 Minutes Air Tour Ecosystem” planned to be completed by the end of 2018.

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It is understood that the low level tourism has become one of important projects in many developed countries to attract tourists. Such as visiting the Grand Canyon of the United States , Heli-skiing in Canada of natural sightseeing, etc.. As early as 2008, the United States registered navigable aircraft had reached 230,000, navigable airports up to 1,9000.



According to statistics, China's low level tourism annual income is around 100 million yuan in 2014, accounting for general aviation operating income of $1.3%, from a global perspective, the low level tourism market is not large, the annual operating income of about $2 billion. By the end of 2015, in China's 281 domestic general aviation companies, there were 149 companies had air travel business, about 100 routes of low level tourist were operating across the country at that time.



At present, China’s low level tourism is in the initial phase, low flying enterprises are in the early stages of the market, the volume of business is not large, there is a lot of room to growth. Low level tourism practitioners believe that we should have innovative marketing products and long-term cultivation of the market now. Chinese government departments frequently introduced policies and measures to promote low level open, it will greatly enlarge the benefits of policy’s leading and promoting.、


        (中国网作者 李斌 见习作者 安静 宓文文/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:李斌 见习 安静 宓文文/译    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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