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一碗面 一份情 劳动者去义乌这家面馆居然不要钱
A bowl of noodle a kindness workers eating in this noodles shop is free of charge
     发布时间:2017-05-01 12:31:58    


CNCAO NEWS At noon of April 30th,Sun Haizhen's noodle restaurant--"A Bowl of Noodles"was full of people.More than 100 environmental sanitation workers and security guards of community entered the restaurant for free meals one after another.The restaurant located in Yiwu King East Road is a pure land in downtown with exquisite decoration,retro appearance and warm light.Fresh ingredients,exquisite craftsmanship and delicious soup attract a lot of praise of tasters.



  “In fact,my restaurant will open in May 1st.But when I see that these‘urban environmental workers’and‘peace keepers’work so hard day and night,I decided to change my mind.My partner and I shortened the time of project a couple of days ago,in order to open the restaurant earlier for these workers free of charge.“All those who entering the restaurant can be free to eat,”Sun Haizhen told the reporter.



  The reporter saw a security guard Mr.Zhang who was ready to eat the second bowl of noodles at the scene.He said“I have been a security guard in Oujing City community for 3 years.Usually,the time for eat is too short to eat box lunches.A bowl of noodles is suitable,which fills the stomach and saves time.”


  In conversation,more and more sanitation workers are attracted here.“ My fellow-villager told me last night that it’s free to eat here.I don’t believe it at first.But my fellow-villager just called me and tell me the noodles are quite delicious and it’s truly free.So I come here and taste it,”Mrs.Wang said.Before she came to the restaurant,she hesitated and felt embarrassed.But after entering the restaurant,the shop assistant was very enthusiastic,which gave her a“sense of belonging”.



  “A bowl of noodles”restaurant attracted more than 100 environmental sanitation workers and security guards of community to come here because of the feelings and delicious food.Many other citizens also enjoyed this“welfare".“We want to hold this activity on May Day every year.Who is not a worker?Everyone is the most glorious,”Sun Haizhen said.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:见习 邱玉洁 杜依依 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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