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东海5月1日起迎来最长休渔期 浙江两万渔船提前回港
The East China Sea ushered in its longest fishing off season since May 1st Twenty thousand fishing boats in Zhejiang ba
     发布时间:2017-05-01 14:25:54    


  CNCAO NEWS In May 1st at 12’o clock,the East China Sea will enter to summer fishing moratorium,prevent one month earlier than former years.By 30th noontime,more than 95%of 22 thousand fishing boats which should take off have returned to port.



  In Taizhou Jinqing fishing pier,Zhoushan ZhuJiajian Yueao pier,Xiangshan,Yuhuan,Sanmen and other places,a large number of fishing boats back to port berthing,marine fisheries department strengthen maritime and port inspections to ensure that by noon today,all fishing boats achieved“Ship into port,fishing net went ashore,on the collection”.This year,the East China Sea fishing moratorium period from May 1st to September 16th,a month extender than former years,at the same time,Zhejiang province also introduced 6 kinds of marine fishery resources key protected species minimum detectable transitional specification system,it can be called the longest the most stringent moratorium in the history.



  This adjustment,makes a great significance to the rehabilitation work of Zhejiang fishing ground.2017 is the ending year of Zhejiang province“one hit three remediation”action move into“Reduce ships,reduce production capacity,restore resources”second stage,but in order to achieve the goal of the third phase“by 2020,the level of fishery resources in Zhejiang fishing ground should be restored to the level of the end of the last century in 80s,marine fishing and resource protection step into a healthy development track”,this year is also the key year to lay a solid foundation.


  In the battle to repair and revive Zhejiang fishing ground,Zhejiang province has cumulative ban 14584“three without”fishing boats,accounting for about 80%of the country's total,with remarkable results;has cumulative ban 360 thousand“fishing nets without registration”,find an effective path for remediation.At the same time,through the gradual implementation of marine environmental remediation measures,Zhejiang province put forth effort to create a good environment for the rehabilitation of the East China Sea.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:见习 邱玉洁 黄璐 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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