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Meet at the Animation Festival:Domestic original animation recognized by the international market
     发布时间:2017-05-01 15:41:07    


  CNCAO NEWS From April 26th,2017 to May 1st,the 13th China International Cartoon Festival is carried out at the Binjiang White Horse Lake,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province.At this Animation Festival,many domestic animation original IP has also been recognized by the international market,South central cartoon signed cooperation with the United Kingdom and South Korea and other television station,will promote the original animated film"Iron dragon"to overseas markets.The film“Monster Hunt 2”,which was invested and produced by the Blue sky Film,combined with Hollywood class CG team to create an international film.Shunxin Culture released a series of Sino Japanese cooperation animation “Hualingge” , which based on the China's non heritage 24 solar terms,make the foreign audiences understand and love Chinese traditional culture.



  Up to now,the number of the business cooperation projects reached 1121,in this Animation Festival,overseas cooperation achieved 340,which has hit record levels.In fact “brand”is the most important thing in the future of the animation industry,and the brand building only depend on ourselves.Therefore,we must do the  planning, selection, creativity, content and other aspects of the basic original work of the originalin well in the early stages of development.It is understood that in the Chinese animation industry,Japanese animation products occupy a dominant position,the local animation products only has 11%market share.Compared with the United States,Japan,these animation Empire,China should should treat this gap dialectically and objectively,which requires a process of accumulation".



  More importantly,original boutique animation should dig the deep connotation of the nation,should be oriented to the market,to the future,and stand the test of time.Put the quality,nationalization,the quintessence into the work,but while entertainment populaces,should spread the Chinese culture,inherit and pass on the Chinese civilization,embody the spirit of China.



来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:见习 邱玉洁 鲍梦依 译    | 责编:邱玉洁     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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