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温州马拉松挑战温哥华马拉松 巾帼不让须眉
The Wenzhou Marathon Challenge the Vancouver Marathon,female excellent as their male colleagues
     发布时间:2017-05-04 14:22:53    

  中国网浪潮资讯 加拿大西部时间5月2日,中国温州10多位马拉松跑友陆续抵达温哥华,将参加5月7日举行的温哥华马拉松。据悉,此次征战温哥华马拉松的温州选手以女将为主。

CNCAO NEWS On May 2nd, Western Canada time,more than 10 marathon runners come from Wenzhou, China arrived in Vancouver will participate in the Vancouver marathon what is held in May 7th. It is reported that the main palyer of campaign in the Vancouver is women.



"Before the Wenzhou marathon last November, we received an invitation from the Vancouver Marathon Organizing committee." Qian Meiyun said that the Vancouver marathon Chinese district official partner pulled the strings, contributed to this Wenzhou-Vancouver two “W”cities cooperation.


Many women are under stress from the family and work, needing for a platform to vent, to share happiness, to become beautiful and confident." Dong Xiaowan, who served as president of the association of City Road, said that she is very excitedthis time to go abroad to participate in the Vancouver marathon.



It is reported that the more than 10 racing fans will respectively participatein a 42.2km marethon, 21.1km half marathon and 8 km half marathon and other projects, their group is one of the Chinese runner groups what have largest number of participants at this year's Vancouver marathon. This is the first time the Wenzhou marathon group go abroad to participate in the International Marathon competition.

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 见习作者 胡金  宓文文/译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:杨云寒 见习 胡金 宓文文/译    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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