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治水无国界 杭州“国际居民”宣传剿灭劣V类水
Water control without borders, Hangzhou “international residents” promote to wipe out worse than Grade V water
     发布时间:2017-05-04 15:13:34    

  中国网浪潮资讯 来自安提瓜的艾丽西娅在杭州留学多年,通过杭州市武林街道组织的“麦穗儿中外文化交流中心”牵线搭桥,成为一名社区国际志愿者。此前,艾丽西娅常常帮助社区居民学习英语和西班牙语,也常参与环保活动。

CNCAO NEWS Alicia who comes from Antigua has studied abroad in HangZhou, China for many years. She became an international community volunteer introduced by “Grain Culture Exchange Center” which organized by Hangzhou Wulin Sub-District. Before Alicia always helped community residents learn English and Spanish and took part in environment-protecting activities.



Alicia heard that the residential district launched a big action “residents of Wulin, international heart, help for wiping out worse than Grade V water”, she immediately joined the team. She spread knowledge of water control along the West Lake, called on catering business enterprises to sign letter of commitment “refuse to drain contamination”and presented personally hand drawn fly kites to citizen and tourists with 23 voluntary pupils. These frequently got people’s thumbs up.



Moved by “wipe out worse than Grade V water” proposal, Alsan, a volunteer who comes from Spain, and Andrea, Bart, volunteers who come from Slovakia also joined the team. Different nationalities, different skin tones all speak about the same environmental protection goal.



The drawing: little community volunteers of water control hand painted environmental protection kites


“Wipe out worse than Grade V water” is the priority that Zhejiang Province Government promotes in 2017. Introduced by Zhejiang Water-control Office Executive Deputy Director Fang Min, it has been finished to make a plan of central investigation and wiping out worse than Grade V water at the end of March in Zhejiang. The whole province moved altogether 148 thousand people to investigate, investigated 128 thousand water bodies, find 11,818 small worst than Grade V water bodies. From January to February in 2017, worst than Grade V water sections in Zhejiang reduced by 1 reducing to 5. It is a good beginning. And then try to wipe out “worst than Grade V water” completely at the end of 2017.

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 见习作者 安静 综合报道 余乐/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:杨云寒 见习 安静 余乐/译    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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