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这个温籍华侨热心社会公益 荣膺荷兰皇家骑士勋章
This Overseas Chinese Enthusiastic social welfare and Won the Royal Knights of the Netherlands
     发布时间:2017-05-04 16:50:58    

        中国网浪潮资讯 “这个社会需要更多为社会公益事业付出的义工”,温州籍华侨詹应考在接受作者采访时这样说道。前不久,他因热心社会公益事业,于当地时间4月26日被荷兰王室授予皇家骑士勋章。

CNCAO NEWS “The society need more volunteers who pay out for social welfare undertakings”, the overseas Chinese in Wenzhou Zhan Yingkao said when he interviewed by reporters. Not long ago, he was awarded the Royal Knight Medal by the Dutch royal family in April 26th because he enthusiastic social welfare business.


It is understood, Zhan Yingkao established regional organization Chinese party, service for the elder overseas whole-heartedly.



“Dutch locals do volunteer in weekend, but the local Chinese may be have obstacle in language, especially the Chinese in my age or elder than me, dare not to be volunteer, I organize them to learn Dutch to into the local community.”Zhan Yingkao said, there are a total of 120,000 people in Zwol City, is a middle city in Dutch, and this city has more than six 600 Chinese, half are from Wenzhou, another are nearly from Guangdong, they both like speaking their own Wenzhou dialect and Cantonese, he often organize them study and have party and organize Chinese to play tai chi together and etc.



The Royal Dutch Knight Medal is the Lifetime Honor of the Dutch royal family who has made outstanding contributions to the community. This time A total of 6 people won the medal in Zwol City, Zhan Yingkao is the only Chinese. He is the fourth to win this  honor’s Wenzhou people after Mei Xuhua and Hu  Yongyang and Hu Jipu the three overseas Chinese in Wenzhou.

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 见习作者 胡金 综合报道 夏梦茹/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:杨云寒 见习 胡金 夏梦茹/译    | 责编:安静     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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