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Why German chaps riding 150 kilometers in Anji, Zhejiang
     发布时间:2017-05-08 14:56:35    

  中国网浪潮资讯  “环境太美了,远远近近的山,深深浅浅的绿,真的很棒。”北京时间5月7日,来到浙江安吉参加2017环浙自行车150公里全程赛的德国小伙Joe Buetzler有些兴奋说。

CNCAO NEWS “The environment is so beautiful, the mountains far and near with deeplyshallow green. It’s fantastic.” German chap Joe Buetzler said excitedly on May 7th, Beijing time, who came to Anji, Zhejiang to participate in the 2017 Circu-Zhejiang 150km Bicycle Race.



  The first Circu-Anji riding tour activity opened in Wufeng mountain sports resort of Xiaofeng, Anji.

  Joe Buetzler说,骑自行车已经有3年了,虽然这次是第一次来安吉骑游,但是他对安吉并不陌生。“之前就和朋友来这边爬山、玩水。”他说他会在中途用手机记录沿途的美景。

Joe Buetzler said that he had ride a bike for 3 years.Although this was the first time to have a ride tour in Anji, he was not unfamiliar to Anji. “I've come here to climb mountains and dabble with friends.” He said he would use a cell phone to record the beautiful scenery along the way.


  不少国外骑手赞叹安吉生态环境好。通讯员 潘学康 摄

  Many foreign riders praise that Anji has a good ecological environment. Shot by correspondent Pan Xuekang


It is understood that the first stop of 2017“Circu-Zhejiang”Bicycle Race was Anji. Because Anji is the birthplace of the important thought of “beautiful scenery is gold mine and silvermine”. And leisure agriculture and rural tourism flourish in Anji. There were more than 200 riding enthusiasts from 45 riding clubs participating in this activity. They enjoyed the beauty of lands of bamboo by riding.


  骑游爱好者一边比赛,一边欣赏沿途美景。通讯员 潘学康 摄

  Riding enthusiasts are enjoying the scenery along the way while playing the game. Shot by correspondent Pan Xuekang



  Anji Wufeng mountain sports resort

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 见习作者 胡金 杜依依/译)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:杨云寒 见习 胡金 杜依依/译    | 责编:胡金     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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