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Can’t use passports to take a plane on domestic routes in China?
     发布时间:2017-05-22 14:55:57    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,中国民航总局颁布新版《民用航空安全检查规则》。新规称,今后在国内航段不能直接使用护照乘机。分析人士指出,这一新政将对出入境人员产生影响。

  CNCAO NEWS Recently, Civil Aviation Administration of China issued new “Regulations on China Civil Aviation Security Screening”. According to the new regulation, from now on, can’t directly use passports to take a plane on domestic routes. Analysts pointed out, the new regulation will have an effect on entry-exit people. 



  Analysts said formerly when entry-exit people travelled or travelled on business in China, if the journey included segments in mainland China, people only need to carry passports, but according to the new regulation, people need to carry identity cards with them.   


  In addition to entry-exit people, overseas students and overseas Chinese who live overseas also under the influence. On account of living overseas for a long time, many people’s identity cards have been out of time, or they don’t have identity cards. So if they want to travel on domestic services, they may be turned away. To this issue, analysts said, based on this condition, people can re-submit the temporary identity cards at domestic airports.  


  Meantime, some analysts believed that the implementation of the new regulation may affect some China’s domestic airlines.

  (中国网见习作者 张云松 综合报道 翻译 余乐)

来源: 中国网    | 作者: 张云松 余乐    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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