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The electric car made by Zhejiang enterprises to challenge Tesla in the United States
     发布时间:2017-05-25 16:32:06    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,作者从万向集团总部证实,第一批Karma Revero新车已下线交付。Revero是美国销售的第一款运用电力、汽油和太阳能三种动力来源的汽车。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, the reporter confirmed the information from Wanxiang Group headquarters ,that the first batch of Karma Revero new car has been delivered offline.Revero is the first car to use three sources of power, gasoline and solar power,which sold in the United States.



The predecessor of Karma is the electric carmaker Fisker, along with  with the equally famous Tesla.In 2014, Wanxiang took over the Fisker and later renamed Karma.


According to manufacturer data, pure electric mode of Revero can range up to 80 kilometers,plus the extra mileage provided by the gasoline generator,the total range is about 480 kilometers.When quick charging mode is used, the 80% of battery capacity can be finished within 24 minutes.In the sports mode, this model speeds up from 0 km to 100 km per hour ,only 5.4 seconds.



It is understood that the price of Revero models in the United States is about 130,000 dollars,the Sales model will draw on direct model of Tesla.The official said Karma would first produce in the United States and then sell it to the global market

  (中国网见习作者 魏诗盈 综合报道 翻译 鲍梦依)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:魏诗盈 鲍梦依    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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