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浙江实施商标品牌战略 助力浙企“走出去”
Zhejiang implements trademark brand strategy to help Zhejiang enterprises "going out"
     发布时间:2017-05-26 17:45:44    

  中国网浪潮资讯 近日,浙江省工商局表示,优势企业并购海外知名品牌,可以让浙江企业“走出去”。目前,世界著名汽车品牌沃尔沃、染料品牌德司达、电气品牌奥地利ATB、服装品牌美国新马等均已成为浙江企业的品牌。

  CNCAO NEWS   Recently, Zhejiang Administration for Industry and Commerce, said it is possible to "going out" for Zhejiang enterprises by acquiring well-known brands overseas. At present, the world famous auto brand Volvo, Dye brand DyStar, electric brand Austria ATB, and clothing brands such as the United States New Horse etc. has become the brand of Zhejiang enterprises.



  Previously, Zhejiang Administration for Industry and Commerce  organized to carry out the trademarks circuit training and seminars on the topic of the Madrid trademark international registration system, foreign trademark registrations increased to 73,000 currently from more than 10,000 ten years ago.


  Up to now, Zhejiang Province has a domestic registered trademark of 1.316 million, the number of well-known trademarks, certification mark, international registration of trademarks and total registered trademark are at the top of the list in domestic for many years.


  Data show that in the past two years, Zhejiang Province help 984 enterprises to achieve financing credit RMB 16.05 billion. By the end of 2016, the trademark pledge loan balance reached RMB 4.77 billion, ranked first in the country.


  Zhejiang industrial and commercial department, said the next step will be to implement the trademark brand strategitc proposal, transfer the center of the brand building to eight trillion industries.

  (中国网见习作者 魏诗盈 综合报道 翻译 袁旭宁)

来源: 中国网    | 作者:魏诗盈 袁旭宁    | 责编:张云松     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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