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Dragon Rafting, Racing Dragon Boat, Zhejiang Celebrate Chinese-traditional Dragon Boat Festival
     发布时间:2017-05-30 14:19:49    


  CNCAO NEWS "For safety and peace,we welcome the coming of good luck by rafting."On the morning of May 29,BJT,along with the sonorous and forceful work songs of Dai Zhangyou,the boatman,on repeat,nine dragon rafts have been delivered in order from Jiu-long-kou Village,Longyang Country,Suichang County,Lishui City,Zhejiang.
  It is a custom that has been kept for over thousand years,which has become the most ceremonious event on Dragon Boat Festival in local place every year.
  Today is the day of Dragon Boat Festival,a Chinese-traditional cultural festival.In different places in Zhejiang,diverse traditional customs of Dragon Boat Festival are been on show.
  In Yuhang District,Hangzhou City,Dragon Boat Racing is a traditional custom in Dragon Boat Festival.On the morning of May 29,BJT,the event of"Dragon Boat Racing among China's Elites",which is full of youthful vigour,has been held in Hong Yuan Scenic Spot,Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou.There are eleven dragon boat teams from distinct famous colleges in China,seven from universities in Hangzhou and three from entreprises in Dream Town presenting a touching racing for more than 10,000 audiences.
  It is said that the custom of racing dragon boat has been almost over 500 years in the areas of Wuchang and Xixi District in Hangzhou.In 2008,"Wuchang Dragon Boat Pageant"has been included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.
  (中国网作者 邓一鸣综合报道 孙吴琦/译)

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:邓一鸣 孙吴琦/译    | 责编:邓一鸣     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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