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The Nobel Prize winner gave a big secret in his speech at the university of zhejiang
     发布时间:2017-05-30 16:50:57    


  CNCAO NEWS Aaron Ciechanover,the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 2004,said that in the next century people will live 30 years longer than today at the“Overseas masters lecture”in Zhejiang University recently.


  He thinks that the average human lifespan has increased just by 15 years in 4,000 years.However,over the past 100 years,human lifespan has increased by 30 years thanks to the rapid development of technology and education.Aaron thinks that the average human lifespan is likely to rise by 30 years in the next century.
  Aaron said that life expectancy comes at a price and human beings are facing unprecedented disease challenges such as cancer,Alzheimer's disease and so on.The fact is that more than 90%of the patients are over the age of 50 and 80%of people`s health expense in their life is in the last three to four years of life.However,no one wants to live another 30 years with oldness and illness.
  据了解,阿龙·切哈诺沃因发现人体内蛋白质降解过程奥秘而获得诺贝尔奖。基于基础研究,阿龙认为,医学正在经历一场个性化、定制化的变革,可能会让人类有质量地长命百岁。(中国网作者 邓一鸣综合报道 耿凯宁/译)
  It is reported that Aaron Ciechanover won the Nobel Prize because of his discovery of the mystery of the protein degradation process in humans.Based on the basic research,he thinks that the medicine is undergoing a personalized and customized change and it could make human being live a long life with quality.

来源: 中国网综合    | 作者:邓一鸣 耿凯宁/译    | 责编:邓一鸣     电子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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